Support Emelia Smith (@ThisIsMissEm)

Your support enables me to work on the Fediverse, with a particular focus on improving moderation tooling and trust & safety.

You can read my updates over on my Medium or follow me on Mastodon.

Your address is required on the payment form for compliance with German bookkeeping & tax laws. This allows me to issue you a receipt for your support and prepare for VAT obligations in the future.

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All payment pages are handled directly by Stripe.

One-Time Support

Your one-time support can help provide me with additional funds to work with in a given month,
however, it's generally best to support my work through recurring memberships.

Mastodon Admin Support

You've setup an instance, and now you're having problems, experiencing a bug, or not sure how something works? Maybe an upgrade has you down?
Let me help you.

The cost is a minimum of €120, whilst I cannot guarantee resolution, I will do my best to provide assistance.

Request Support (€120)

Fediverse Advisor

Is your company is building for the Fediverse? Let me help with my specialist knowledge and experience to ensure your project is a success on the Fediverse.

My knowledge & experience is with ActivityPub, OAuth, APIs, building scalable systems, moderation, fediverse trust & safety, and much more.

Contact me


I would like to publicly thank these kind supporters of my work:

Add your name to the list above by becoming a regular supporter of my work for €100 or more.